Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sometimes overnight everything can change. It feels as though somehow I woke up as a completely different person, living a life I'm not used to, and seeing a strange girl staring back at me in the mirror. It feels like yesterday that i had a fast paced life filled with so much childish fun and was surrounded with more friends than I knew what to do with. I would constantly be receiving calls and texts from people wanting me to hang out with them. There was always something to do and always someone to hang out with. As my life drastically changed by settling down my so called friends began to disappear. As i got married to my amazing husband and shortly after had our incredible daughter i began to hear less and less from these people that I had spent so much of my previous time with. At first just the thought of me no longer being an important part of other people lives somewhat devastated me. I began feeling lonely and basically forgotten. I went through a hard time at first. After a while however, I started to realize these things and these people that I felt I was missing, no longer fit into my drastically different life. What I had done and who I was before my family had no place in who I am now. My day to day life focuses on raising a family and being the best me I can be for me, my daughter, and my husband. I am no longer the party girl that can stay up until seven in the morning. I have a life now,  and my role in other people's lives is important. It's just so funny to me how something that seemed so absolutely important to me before has absolutely no meaning to me now. I feel like a completely different person. I act differently, I speak differently, and in a weird way, I feel as though I look differently. I have grown up. Everything happened so quickly but as I look back on the life I had and compare it to the one I have now I am realizing that sometimes change isn't so bad. I love the life I have now. Sometimes it may be challenging but not one part of me wants to go back and leave this all behind.

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